Vehicle Fuel Economy - 1984 to 2023

February 2023 #ProjectDataViz Challenge
Published by David Velleca on 1 February 2023

This Month's Theme

Welcome to the February edition of #ProjectDataViz! This month, we have an exciting data set about fuel economy for all vehicles sold in the United States for model years 1984 to 2023. Fuel economy is a critical aspect of any vehicle, affecting both the environment and the wallet. This data set provides a comprehensive overview of the fuel efficiency of vehicles sold in the United States over the past 40 years. The data includes information such as make, model, and year of the vehicle, engine size, fuel type, and miles per gallon (MPG) ratings for city and highway driving.

Our data this month comes to us from the United States Department of Energy, found on Be sure to cite the data source on your viz.

The Data Source

Our data source is hosted on our Data.World page. We've created an Excel version and a CSV, both should work, just providing both versions in case you want to enrich the data more easily in Excel:

Get Vizzing!

For consideration in the February Viz Roundup, entries will be accepted up until 28th February. Shortly thereafter a review article will be released to summarise and highlight entries.

For your entries, be sure to:

  • Publish on Tableau Public with hashtag #ProjectDataViz
  • Share to Twitter with hashtag #ProjectDataViz
  • Share to LinkedIn with hashtag #ProjectDataViz
  • Submit your Viz to Project Data Viz
  • Cite the data source on your viz! The citation for this month should be:
    • Data Source: US Department of Energy -

What insights will you uncover in this data set? We hope that this challenge will inspire you to create interesting and insightful visualizations. We can't wait to see your creative solutions! Happy vizzing!