About #ProjectDataViz

From Corporate Learning Tool to Community Initiative...

Welcome to Project Data Viz!

We are a group of Tableau users from around the world who love to create vizzes, whether for corporate or personal use. Some of us have been using Tableau longer than others but we all share the same passion for data and creating insightful, visually appealing dashboards that tell a story.

Project Data Viz was started in 2020 when David Velleca took on a team of Tableau users, mostly beginners who had only a very basic knowledge of how to use the tool. Each month, a challenge was given to create a Viz around a particular theme and present it to the rest of the team. The vizzes were published on Tableau Public and the team began to see their own personal Tableau journey progress as skills improved and more complex charts were mastered.

When I was discussing options for quickly upskilling the team with Ryan Dorr, he suggested an initiative inspired by the show Project Runway. Clearly, we wouldn't eliminate a participant with each "round," but we could focus our learning efforts by prescribing a theme, data source or focus area for each month's competition.

David Velleca

In 2022 it was decided to create a space outside of the corporate environment where the team could share the project with others who also enjoy using Tableau or are simply interested in seeing what can be created from data.

How it Works

Each month, the Project Data Viz team will share the month's challenge. We intend to follow a loose schedule where the themes cycle through the following focus areas:

  • Data Theme Focus - We provide the theme, you find the data (we'll suggest some sources) and get vizzy
  • Data Viz Basics - We call out a particular element of Data Viz, you do your best to knock it out of the park
  • Data Viz Stretch - We pick a class of "advanced" visualizations, you stretch your skills to create a themed viz

At the end of the month, you submit your viz via our Submit Your Viz form. We will promote your viz on the Socials to the Tableau Data Fam and (if you want), will provide feedback on your effort for the month.

You can join the Project Data Viz party at anytime by checking out our Archive.

New challenges are expected to launch on (or around) the first of each month, and will wrap up during the final week of the month. Each challenge will have a dedicated post including details around the timing.